
Service and Service Charge Schedule

Service Charges effective 02 November 2019

Important Note:

  • If you need to provide your biometrics, the biometric fee of CAD $85 (per person), CAD $170 (for a family of 2 or more), and CAD $255 (for a group of performing artists of 3 or more) covers the CVAC service charge for Package Transmission, with the exception of the following instances:

    • For any subsequent submissions of passport and/or documents after the initial package transmission, applicants will be required to pay the Package Transmission fee every time this request is made through the VAC.
    • Applicants who submit their passport or documents at a different VAC from the one where they initially provided their biometrics, the Package Transmission fees will apply.
    • If no package is transmitted at the time of biometric enrolment (when the application has been submitted online), the initial package transmission is included in the fee of CAD $85 for biometric enrolment and package transmission.
  • All applicants who are submitting paper applications (with or without biometrics) will need to pay the Assisted Service – Paper Application fee
  • If you do not need to provide biometrics and you are submitting your passport, documents, or both at the VAC, the Package Transmission fee will apply.

Service Charges for Services offered at the VAC:

Package transmission (per package) $ 18.68 CNY 93.30
Assisted Service – Paper Application(per application) $ 12.39 CNY 61.90
Collection of Government of Canada Fees (per Applicant) $ 7.82 CNY 39.00
Assisted Service-Online Forms (per form) $ 4.22 CNY 21.10
Assisted Service-Scanning (per page) $ 1.69 CNY 8.40
Self Service Workstation (per hour) $ 12.39 CNY 61.90
One-Way Courier Service (per package) $ 13.74 CNY 68.70
Premium Lounge (per Applicant) Consent form $ 71.26 CNY 356.30
Photocopying (per page) $ 0.17 CNY 0.80
Short Message Service (SMS) (per Applicant) $ 2.75 CNY 13.70
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Compliant Photography $ 6.14 CNY 30.60
Printing (per page) $ 0.51 CNY 2.50

* Note:

The additional services are available at all China VACs with below exceptions:

Premium Lounge services are not available at Chongqing, Jinan, Kunming and Nanjing VACs.

For complete details on the Additional Services offered at the CVAC please click here

Applicants intending to use the self-service workstation at the VAC are requested to carry their own USB/pen drives.

Please Note: The wait time at the self-assisted workstation will depend on the number of visitors for the day.

Please ensure you take your USB/pen drive back with you after the appointment, as it may contain important information. As per IRCC's guidelines, we are not permitted to retain any Personally Identifiable Information. If a device is left behind while we do not receive a revert in two days, the device will be destroyed.

How to pay Government of Canada Fees

  • Pay your fees Online through IRCC website
  • For any refund of fees paid to the Government of Canada, Please Click here to request a Refund
  • Pay at Visa Application Centre - For applicants who are unable to make online payments, VFS Global offers an additional paid service wherein applicants can pay cash at the Visa Application Centre. Click here for Visa Fee and Biometric Collection Fee amounts.

How to pay Canada Visa Application Centre service charges and optional service charges:

  • For applications being submitted in person or through an authorized representative, the charge must be paid in cash at the Canada Visa Application Centre.
  • If you are submitting Mail in application, service charges and optional service charges can only be paid via Bank deposit in the bank account as mentioned below, the visa fee can be paid online (please provide printed IRCC receipt) or via bank deposit as mentioned below. The fees must be in Chinese Yuan (CNY).
Bank Name:银行名称 中国银行北京使馆区支行 Bank of China, Embassy District Branch
Account Number:账号 342 860 268 969
Account Name:账户名称 北京双雄对外服务公司签证代理服务中心Visa Service Centre of Beijing Shuangxiong Foreign Service Co.
Shenyang 沈阳
Bank Name:银行名称 中国银行沈阳北站支行Bank of China Shenyang Beizhan Branch     
Account Number:账号 302 556 333 730
Account Name:账户名称  辽宁澳新咨询顾问有限公司Liaoning Aoxin Consulting Co., Ltd
Jinan 济南
Bank Name:银行名称 中信银行济南分行营业部Jinan Branch Sales Department of CITIC Bank
Account Number:账号 811 250 101 280 050 5566
Account Name:账户名称 山东意汇实业有限公司Shandong Yihui Industry and Commercial Co., Ltd
Wuhan 武汉
Bank Name:银行名称 招商银行武汉分行China Merchants Bank Wuhan Branch
Account Number:账号 127 908 547 010 504
Account Name:账户名称 武汉耀飞出入境服务有限公司Wuhan Glorious-Fly Exit & Entry Service Co., Ltd
Bank Name:银行名称 中信银行上海卢湾支行China CITIC Bank,Shanghai Branch,LuWan Subbranch
Account Number:账号 7313510182600039041
Account Name:账户名称 上海申慧因私出入境服务有限公司加拿大签证中心Shanghai Shenhui Overseas Affairs Service CO. LTD Canada Visa Application Center
Bank Name:银行名称 兴业银行股份有限公司杭州凤起支行Hangzhou Fengqi Branch, Industrial Bank Co., Ltd
Account Number:账号 356 910 100 100 085 928
Account Name:账户名称 杭州易达行商务咨询有限公司Hangzhou Leader Business Consultant Co., Ltd
Nanjing 南京
Bank Name:银行名称 北京银行南京分行营业部Beijing Bank, Nanjing Branch
Account Number:账号 200 000 352 892 000 181 21974
Account Name:账户名称 南京泰斗商务咨询有限公司Nanjing Taidou Business Consulting Co., Ltd
Bank Name:银行名称 中国工商银行广州第二支行 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Guangzhou No.2 Branch
Account Number:账号 3602 0005 1920 0501 304
Account Name:账户名称 广东中旅移民签证顾问有限公司 Guangdong CTS Visa Consulting Service Co., Ltd.
Bank Name:银行名称 中国银行重庆自由贸易试验区解放碑支行Bank of China, Chongqing Jiefangbei Branch
Account Number:账号 113 013 634 166
Account Name:账户名称 重庆亿通出国咨询有限公司Chongqing Eastonk Consulting Co., Ltd.
Chengdu 成都
Bank Name:银行名称 中国银行四川省分行Sichuan Branch of Bank of China
Account Number:账号 1306 5908 9057
Account Name:账户名称 成都中恒天信出入境服务有限公司Chengdu Sino Visa Eternal Exit & Entry Immigration Co., Ltd
Kunming 昆明
Bank Name:银行名称 中国银行昆明盘龙支行Bank of China, Panlong Branch, Kunming
Account Number:账号 1356 5222 0266
Account Name:账户名称 云南德朗商务咨询有限公司Yunnan Delang Business Consulting Co.,Ltd

Kindly note we will not accept personal or company cheques.