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Important Note:

Effective 03 November 2018, prior appointment is mandatory for Biometric Enrolment at all the Canada Visa Application Centres (CVAC) in Bangladesh. Depending on your nationality, you may already need to give biometrics.

Since July 31, 2018 – applicants from Europe, Middle East and Africa

Starting December 31, 2018 – applicants from Asia, Asia Pacific and the Americas

To find out if you need to give biometrics, please visit

Please note that appointments are mandatory in order to enroll biometrics at the Visa Application Centre. A planned visit with a preferred time slot at the Visa Application Centre guarantees prompt service thus eliminating longer waiting time resulting in inconvenience.

How to Prepare for your Biometrics

Applicants scheduling an appointment for biometric enrolment are advised to consider the below mentioned points before their appointment:

  • It is advised that you keep your hands henna-free at the time of your biometric appointment to ensure an unimpeded biometric enrollment. Henna may affect the quality of fingerprints and applicants may need to re-enroll their biometrics at a later date if the VAC staff member is unable to obtain high quality prints.
  • Applicants with temporary injuries, cuts, cracks, and/or bandages on their fingers are advised to wait until after they have recovered before giving their biometrics. Temporary injuries may affect the quality of fingerprints and applicants may need to re-enroll their biometrics at a later date if the VAC staff member is unable to obtain high quality prints.
  • Applicants should avoid wearing light color clothing or head gear (head gear is allowed for religious purposes only) in order for their picture to be captured effectively. Wearing bright colours is recommended.
  • Male/female applicants wearing head gear for religious purpose should ensure that as much of their face, forehead and ears as possible is visible.
  • Accompanying parties are not allowed inside the Visa Application Centre unless they are accompanying a child less than 18 years of age or a person who requires assistance (e.g. the elderly, medical infirm or disabled applicants). In all other cases, only the applicant should visit the Visa Application Centre.